Delivery Park - Mobile App Redesign

Delivery Park - Mobile App Redesign


The contexte

Aleia is an open, industrialized, sovereign and secure platform in charge of deploying and operating Artificial Intelligence applications The Delivery Park application was born from a simple observation: delivery drivers park today in unregulated spaces in Paris and complain about not having access to enough delivery space. DeliveryPark is an application project designed by Aleia which lists the stops of urban delivery companies and which consequently allows local authorities to manage their urban planning and regulation policies.
Objectives Build a parking location application for the B2B sector
The missions āœ”ļø Propose a ux/ui redesign of the zonings delivered by the AMO. āœ”ļø Delivering a Design system for developers
Project Team (Intern) 1 PM, 1 Prd (šŸ™‹šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø me)
Stakeholders (Customer) 1 Digital and Marketing Director, 1 PO, 1 Dev
Sprint 1 weeks

Project Planning

Sprint 1 - Kick Off - Creation of a graphic charter from scratch - Realization of the mocks-up - Presentation of the deliverables to the product team on the client side šŸ“¦ Expected deliverables: Mock-up, Design System,Demo videos

Step 1 : Understand

A specification with wireframes had already been made by the client and he wanted me to make a ux/ui redesign of the paths and provide a design system to the developer.

I did a quick audit of the existing system and a user-flow to understand the delivered paths. I then organized a meeting with the developer to know the technical limits of the project. This is how I learned that we could not display all the delivery spaces on all the map of Paris at the same time because it represented too many elements to load and therefore a considerable waiting time for the user. The solution chosen was to propose a list of delivery spaces in a key district in order to gain in performance.

Userflow of the DeliveryPark application
Thanks to this analysis I was able to understand all the functionalities thought by the project manager, to define the missing screens and paths and the technical constraints the application had to face.

Step 2 : Prototyping

Once my benchmark with the competing applications was done, I moved on to the creation of the screens while at the same time setting up my design system with its graphic charter from scractch.

Model of the Deliverypark application
Design System


Declare a parking in a shared delivery zone

Create a parking space

Manage your account

Validation of the redesign with the client and delivery of the mock-ups and the design system.

Where are we today ?

The mockup and the design system helped the PM (client side) to build his backlog. The mvp of the application is currently under development in order to be tested with end-users.

Win Making an application by creating its own graphic charter and its own design system is extremely satisfying for a designer. Exchanging with the developer on the technical constraints of the product was extremely precious because thanks to him I was able to build a feasible application.

Frustration Conducting user research upstream of the project to validate the needs of delivery drivers would have ensured the relevance of certain features (ex : creating a parking space). Conducting user tests in order to validate the usability of the model would have allowed us to eliminate certain design errors before moving on to development.